“When the essence of your soul shows up and serves you notice…what will you do?”
Maximizing Your Magnificence is committed to empowering women to get Intentional, live with Integrity, and manifest Increase.
Ideology of Magnificence Experience
Ideology is a set of ideas, beliefs, or stance that determines a way of viewing something… a perspective. Magnificence is the quality or state of being extraordinary, fine, superb or exceptional.
MYM rests its principles upon the ideology of magnificence. It is our goal to be the bridge that connects individuals who are healthy, yet in transition from simply existing to extraordinary living! Magnificence begins when we know that being average or mediocre won’t carry you to your awesome purposeful Being.
Stop Waiting! Stop Being Stuck! Stop the Glamorous Excuses!
Our signature learn-by-becoming, results-orientated services will propel you towards living the life you were meant to live! Not simply a life you design based on your blueprint, intellect, logic, skills, and even hard work NO! A life full of destiny driven possibilities and purpose! – Now that’s HOT!
We take clients from having an “ah-ha” moment to having a transformational experience…with abilities to live, play, and express your “Being” in full blown self-expression.
We shift ordinary lives into extraordinary living that produces Magnificent results!
Our MYM Services Include:
Empowerment Programs
Customized Events
On-line Products & Classes
Corporate Trainings
Customized Special Events
Transformation Experiences Include:
Rich Mindset
Powerful Leadership
Remarkable Resiliency
Full Self-Expression
Mastery of Contribution
Extraordinary Possibilities
• Maximize your highest potential in your awesome destiny driven life!
• Transform your mindset from ordinary to EXTRAordinary!
• Get a system of success uniquely designed for you.
• Jump start your business and generate revenue
• Develop a go-get-it viewpoint on what matter most to you!
• Create a sublime plan for your life.
• Get the tools to bring power, vitality, creativity and truth to your life.
• Take actions presented to you by supernatural opportunities.
Create A Beautiful Backdrop To Your Life!
Our clients are invited to a full circle transformational experience which is designed for Living Out Loud! The client will begin to work beyond the craft of talent to serving in purpose diligently understanding your gifting. You will move beyond Magnificence as a concept to Magnificence as a possibility. Mastering the art of “Being” creating a consistent space connected with the human psychology to fully and completely become a person living on demand.